You are experts at what you do, we are experts at what we do. By working together we can help your clients plan, build, or rebuild their small businesses in a way where everybody wins.
If you have ever been part of a great team where everyone works towards a common goal then you know how great it feels to do a job well and make a difference in someone's life. That may even be why you are in the job / role / business you are in; because you know that when we work together to improve someone else's situation we get to win along with them, and it can be pretty awesome. If that speaks to you, then give us a chance to show you that we understand that too, and we want to come alongside what you are doing to increase your impact. ​If you have never worked with a partner that values your clients as more than revenue generators, but you really want to, you are going to love working with us.
Whether you're putting together a deal for a startup or an existing business, Pebble Plan makes it easier for your clients to develop and accurately present their business plans, while also making it easier for you to see the holes in their story & evaluate your risks.
For new loans we make it easy for you to see exactly what assumptions their financial projections are built on so you can stress-test specific aspects of their plans according to your underwriting standards. For deals when you need to dig deeper than the basic ratio's, Pebble Plan is the best resource available.
If borrowers get into trouble Pebble Plan has a ready-to-go module for recovery planning that helps clients quickly identify how and why they got off track, then build a plan to get back on-track. This is a great way to support your clients while you explore options and do what you have to do with the collections process.


Innovative economic developers love Pebble Plan because it makes it much easier for them to be productive with their time, and work more closely with the businesses that are ready for funding and check the boxes for what the town needs now; while letting other community or regional resources take the lead with businesses that are not as ready. When resources and staffing are limited, ED directors and their team need tools that help them produce the results that the board and the community expect.
​Whether you are pushing to open more small businesses, grow the ones you have, or save those at risk, no one economic developer can know or do it all. But, by using the collaborative tools built into Pebble Plan, ED teams can help where they have expertise, and then pull in other resources for topics where they don't. Unlike common resource mapping or network-building tools we don't just tell your entrepreneurs where they can find help; we actually help them make progress on their business planning & development, plus we facilitate others helping them in our platform. ​
Make the most of the resources you have without burning people out
Pebble Plan is built for collaboration among mentors, teammates, and community resources for the benefit of both the business, and the ecosystem. Multiple entrepreneur supporters and ecosystem builders can share their insights as teams make progress on core business building tasks, including: Deciding what products/services to offer, calculating COGS, setting pricing, determining sales capacity & strategy, staffing & scheduling, deciding salaries, SWOT analysis, business modeling, customer discovery, planning life/work balance, setting goals & priorities, etc.
When mentors are not available entrepreneurs can use the built-in curriculum to work through the modules and make progress. If they have questions they can ping their mentors in the software and mentors can answer when they are free.


In the aftermath of a disaster, it can take a while for people to process the trauma they have endured and get back to a place where they are ready to make decisions. Unfortunately some post-disaster decisions have to be made quickly and with little information or time to reflect on all the available options. For self-employed people, one of the most financially impactful decisions they have to make is "what do we do with the business?", especially if the business is their primary source of income, and they have loan payments to make.
We help people slow down and explore their options before making decisions that may effect the rest of their financial lives. The SBA often has low interest loans after disasters, but they are still loans, and the market after a disaster is not going to be what it was before the disaster. We take a step by step approach and help clients evaluate their current situation, what kind of future they want, what that future is going to cost, their options given their income, and more. ​